The Dreaded Doctor: The Aftermath

April 17, 2008 emtsgrl

So, I went to the dreaded doctor yesterday.  When I arrived I had to fill out a paper listing all my concerns and health history.  I was called to the back for the humiliating weight check and then the nurse took my vital signs.  She proceeded to tell me how to put on the paper shirt and how to use the sheet.  Really, this is not my first time at this kind of appointment.  I sat there in the stupid, pointless paper shirt covered with the sheet waiting for the doctor.  When he came in I thought he was twelve, seriously I almost asked for his credentials.  He introduced himself and then asked if I had any concerns, the nurse showed him my paper.  This is where the fun starts.  I have endometriosis, I’ve had surgery for it, I had a very hard time getting pregnant with our daughter because of it, I had a difficult pregnancy, and I still have problems because of it.  He asked me about my last ultrasound, which was a while ago, and the other problems I had listed.  Then, he suggested that I see gynecology for a consult to discuss the problems I am experiencing now and the fact that I am having trouble, again, getting pregnant.  Then he says “So, your having lower back pain and hip pain.  Do you think this is associated with your endometriosis?”  I wanted to say “Aren’t you the doctor?”  But, I did not.  I simply explained to Dougie Howser that when I was diagnosed I had the same symptoms, so yes, I assume it is related.  Then he did “the exam”.  When he was done we discussed my need for an ultrasound and a consult with gynecology a little more.  I got dressed and left.  I got home and picked up Monkey from the neighbors.  We discussed going to get our haircut and running a few errands later on in the day.  I wasn’t feeling all that great after my appointment, and while at the store waiting for my neighbor to get her hair done, I started aching severely.  We came home and I put on my much loved sweat pants and laid on the bed.  I couldn’t get comfortable, my hips, my lower back, and my pelvis were throbbing.  I talked to hubby, told him what the doctor had said, and that I was feeling crappy.  I put Monkey to bed with a movie at 7:30 because I felt so bad.  I took a hot bath hoping it would relax my muscles and make the aches go away, it helped a little.  Today I am feeling a bit better, still aching some, but at least I can walk without being in intense pain.  I called to make my appointment with gynecology and it is set up for the end of the month.  I still have to set up my ultrasound.  At least I have the ball rolling, again, and hopefully will get some answers soon.

Entry Filed under: Army Wife

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