The Beginning of R and R

April 21, 2009 emtsgrl

A lot has happened since my sweet, wonderful husband got home Saturday night.  We’ve been doing a lot of running around, but it’s wonderful to have him home!    Yesterday I took Kendal to the doctor for her four month check up, while my husband took Monkey to preschool.  Kendal is developing beautifully, weighing in at 13 1/2 pounds and 24 3/4 inches long.  She got three shots and was not amused.  Once we were done at the hospital the hubby and I headed to the Ford dealership to look at cars.  I got out of the car with my purse open and slung my iPhone onto the pavement.  Let’s just say the phone and the parking lot didn’t get along at all!  So, I test drove a SUV, and then headed to the AT&T store, only to find out that the iPhone does not have insurance, so I ended up replacing it.  Once done there we headed to another car dealership and looked at three vehicles.  I decided to test drive two of them.  I liked both of them and they had some similarities, so then I let hubby take them for a spin.  He liked them both too, but we both liked the Dodge Nitro best, so that is what I got!  I love it!  It’s beautiful!  As for the other car that decided to fall apart, the transmission and every major component to the transmission apparently burned up.  We added two new members to our family, we bought Monkey two guinea pigs, both boys, named Abbott and Costello.  Kendal also started cereal.  She had her first taste of it today!  I’m not sure how she felt about it, she’d get excited when she saw the spoon, flailing her arms and opening her mouth, once the spoon was in, the cereal oozed back out.  We’ll try again tomorrow!  Anyway, that about sums up the past couple of days!  I’m off now to enjoy my family!

My poor shattered iPhone

My poor shattered iPhone


Monkey and Costello

Monkey and Costello

Entry Filed under: Dear Hubby,Family,Kendal,Miscellaneous,Monkey

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